Woodburning or Multi-Fuel?

At Woodburner Warehouse, all of our stoves and cookers are solid fuel and/or woodburning only.

Wood burning is better in environmental terms as the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere is the same as that absorbed by the tree during growth.

It is also a renewable resource, particularly when derived from plantations and cultivated woodland. When using your wood burning stove, for optimum results, we recommend logs should be seasoned for 2 years or more to achieve a moisture content below 20%. This will not only give up to twice the output of freshly fellewoodburningd timber but help avoid a build up of tar in your stove’s flue. You can test the moisture content with a moisture meter. These can be found in our moisture meter section.

Not only do modern woodburning stoves burn much cleaner and more efficiently than older conventional stoves, but the view of the fire is just spectacular.Furthermore, if you can obtain hardwood logs this is better still, as they will have around twice the calorific value of softwoods.

By upgrading to a CE certified and HETAS accredited wood burning stove, you can save wood, reduce smoke and enjoy the view all winter long.

Seasoned wood is the best type to burn. Wood should be cut, split and left to season in a dry, well ventilated area for at least one year. You can generally tell if a log is dry because the bark will come away easily in the hand and the log will have splits across the grain.

According to the Solid Fuel Technology Institute, logs are the cheapest form of heating energy. The cost per kW of useful energy is now around 4p. This compares to 5p for anthracite, 7p for natural gas, 7.5p for oil, 9p for LPG and 12p for electricity.

Solid fuel burning is also a cheaper method of warming your home, as opposed to oil or electric. Providing your stove has a multi-fuel grate fitted there are a number of smokeless fuels that are approved for burning on stoves.

Manufactured smokeless fuels (MSF), compressed heat logs or peat briquettes can all be used. DO NOT however, use any petroleum based fuels in your stove. Aswell as potentially damaging and voiding the warranty of your stove, it can also damage your chimney or existing flue system.

A range of fuels are on offer from Woodburner Warehouse, which can be seen in our Fuel section.