If you plan to heat domestic hot water, as a rough guide, allow 2.5kW from the total output. The remainder can then be used for central heating. Allow as a guide, 1kW per average size radiator (typically 1000mm x 400mm single panel).

For Example...

The Ecoboiler 12HE burning solid fuel = 12kW to water, so 12 – 2.5 (domestic hot water) = 9.5kW. Therefore 9 – 10 single panel radiators could be heated.

  • Unlike traditional boilers, there are a number of variables which can affect the heat output of boiler stoves, such as the installation, choice of fuel and refuelling cycle.
  • You will also need to take into account the heat loss in the pipework, which is typically 10%.
  • A flue draw measurement should be taken at the time of installation and overdrawing flues should have measures taken to reduce their draw. Uncorrected, an overdrawing flue may mean that the stove is unable to shut down and slumber once installed, this can cause over firing and may damage the appliance.Radiator Diagram