Can I install my own log burner?

It is possible to legally fit your own woodburner however getting a qualified professional is better. 

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Installing a wood burner in your home can be a fantastic addition, providing warmth and ambiance during the colder months. While the idea of a DIY project is appealing, there are critical safety considerations to keep in mind. In this blog post, we'll outline the steps involved in wood burner installation, but with a strong emphasis on why it's often better to hire a qualified professional, such as a HETAS engineer, for the job.


**Step 1: Choose the Right Location**

stove on hearth

- A HETAS engineer understands local building codes and regulations, ensuring that your wood burner is placed in a compliant and safe location.


**Step 2: Prepare the Hearth Area**


- Professionals are experienced in installing fireproof hearth pads and floor protection to the highest safety standards.


**Step 3: Install the Stove**

Installation example

- HETAS engineers are trained to accurately assemble and position wood burners, ensuring optimal performance and safety.


**Step 4: Install the Stovepipe**


- Professionals have the expertise to connect the stove to the chimney pipe, ensuring proper clearances and adherence to safety guidelines.


**Step 5: Install a flue through the Wall **


- A HETAS engineer can expertly install wall thimbles, ensuring a secure and properly sealed connection.


**Step 6: Connect the Chimney Pipe**


- Professionals are skilled in extending chimney pipes through wall thimbles and securing them with the correct brackets and supports.


**Step 7: Extend the Chimney**


- If chimney extension is necessary, HETAS engineers can safely install roof flashing and chimney caps to prevent leaks and debris buildup.


**Step 8: Seal and Insulate**


- Qualified installers meticulously inspect and seal all connections to prevent leaks and drafts, ensuring a secure wood burner installation.


**Step 9: Safety Precautions**


- HETAS engineers prioritize safety, ensuring that smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors are appropriately installed and functioning.


**Step 10: Enjoy Your Wood Burner**


- By hiring a professional, you can confidently enjoy the warmth and ambiance of your wood burner, knowing that it has been installed to the highest safety standards.


**Why Choose a Qualified Professional?**


- **Safety:** A HETAS engineer has the expertise to navigate safety regulations, reducing the risk of fire hazards, carbon monoxide leaks, and other safety issues.


- **Compliance:** They are knowledgeable about local codes and regulations, ensuring your wood burner installation is fully compliant with the law.


- **Insurance:** Many insurance policies require professional installation to maintain coverage. Hiring a qualified installer can prevent potential disputes in case of an accident.


- **Efficiency:** Professional installation ensures your wood burner operates at maximum efficiency, saving you money on heating costs in the long run.


- **Peace of Mind:** Knowing your wood burner has been installed by a qualified expert provides peace of mind, allowing you to enjoy it without worrying about safety concerns.

- **Stove Warranty** Some manufacuters will void the stove warranty if the stove has not been installed correctly or by a qualified person. 

Commission sheet example

While DIY wood burner installation is possible, the safety and peace of mind that come with hiring a qualified professional cannot be overstated. Prioritize your family's safety and the longevity of your investment by consulting with a HETAS engineer or a reputable installer for your wood burner project. Stay warm, stay safe!


Find out more about installing a stove here